Comments on: 20 Tips for the Apartment Prepper Off Grid Living: Power Your Independence Thu, 06 Apr 2023 19:56:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ray Mon, 04 Jun 2018 22:59:54 +0000 Dear sir or madam .
In lots of pictures I’ve seen about prepping, they show neatly packed shelves of storage jars , which must have taken hours if not days to prepare.
The oblivious problem I see yet not noticed, there is nothing to prevent them from falling off the shelf in the event of an earthquake or nearby explosion!
The same could be said for storage of cans , although they are not liable to breakage falling on you from a height should you happen to in the storage room at the time.
This could save a lot of precious food and potential injury’s.
I hope this might be a helpful tip.
All the best ray from UK.
