Comments on: FALSE! – HUD is NOT Making it Illegal to Live in Your RV…It’s already illegal! Off Grid Living: Power Your Independence Tue, 10 May 2022 16:35:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: turock Thu, 23 Jul 2020 17:15:11 +0000 But being totally homeless is perfectly ok with the Gov. This is ridiculous.

By: Greenacres301 Mon, 03 Feb 2020 10:48:37 +0000 In reply to Terry.

Hey I’m in Knox county & have had code enforcement called 3 times on me, twice now while living out of Knoxville in the county. I live off of Asheville highway now.
I’d like to discuss this with you.
Send your info to my email address as I don’t want to put my phone number on here.
I need to discuss with you what I found out from the last code enforcement inspector who is a really great man.
Mark Whitley

By: John Connell Thu, 02 Jan 2020 00:12:20 +0000 In reply to Terry.

How did you make out with your issue.

John Connell (330)962-7517

By: nancy2lala Mon, 02 Dec 2019 22:21:39 +0000 I personally don’t prefer to live in rv…very cold and not enough water pressure to shower…but cheapest rent l could afford in this rv park..l am a displaced senior, disabled on oxygen in Seattle area.My beef is that because government considers this transient or mobile living, they don’t or won’t deliver mail here – even though 95% have made this their permanent residence whether by choice or necessity. So…l have to pay for a p.o. box for the privilege of getting mail – that everyone else gets for free! This is important because it is the only way l have to get my medicines. Anyway, seems to me if l am here a year or longer, l should get mail delivered or qualify for a free po box like some outlying towns get.

By: Terry Wed, 08 May 2019 20:35:43 +0000 Well, well, well.
I have recently been inspected and informed that I cannot live in my motor coach! I am on a mobile home lot where I tore down a old mobile home.
The land owner contacted the county and they told him it is a mobile home site and he owns it he can put an rv there if he wanted. So he rented me the spot. Well it obviously isn’t ok and because some snot nosed socialist nieghbor could not get on the back side of his fence to spray and kill 3ft of my side he reported me. So here comes the battle. I need good info: for my fight I am not going down easy.
The codes need to change! I am hooked to power, water, septic.
The code enforcement guy said was that it is not state inspected ?????? What. For safety of life or some crap like that. He is a good man though helping all he can. Sorry but most motor coach’s and travel trailers are built to a higher quality standard then a mobile home because they are always in motion. Wires secured better piping secured better. And too be honest I have seen the so called state inspection flunky work in some mobile homes coming out of the local plant. I have lived in my coach for over eight years. Not had a issue until now. I am in the Knox county area of Tn. I need good info: and help from anyone that has it. I am going to try and change the rule. If you are on a lot rented or owned and you have water, power, septic. What is the problem. If you are in my area and would like to join forces please contact me. All because some wiener couldn’t get to the back side of his fence and kill 3 ft of grass that is not his to spray! So if he wanted to be legal he should have built his fence four feet from his property line so he could maintain it without trespassing. My point too that is if you want to be legal be legal.
Any way that’s enough from me. Thanks too any and all that can help.
